Verrutop® is a new type of professional* treatment for warts and verrucae
The nitri-zinc complex kills the wart tissue by breaking down its protein structure, leaving intact skin underneath
No pain has been reported in clinical studies, either during application or afterwards, although some people have reported stinging may be felt on application but does not last long!
Verrutop® is suitable for adults, also suitable for children from 6 years of age
*Verrutop® should only be applied by a healthcare professional such as a Podiatrist or Foot Health Practitioner
Verrutop® is suitable for adults, also suitable for children from 6 years of age
*Verrutop® should only be applied by a healthcare professional such as a Podiatrist or Foot Health Practitioner
Reflex Foot Care - Hayley has completed the Verrutop® training course to administer safely and effectively.