Is hard skin a pain?

The skin on your feet can get really rough and scratchy

That rough hard skin is normally caused by Callus and while most of the time it's cosmetic, it can become a problem if left untreated

Sometimes it forms because of medical conditions such as psoriasis, because the skin production and turnover is quicker.

On the whole, Callus forms in response to load changes on the *Epidermis which is seen as thicker areas of skin.

Sometimes it is yellowish in colour, sometimes it can crack, get really painful and even infected

But there are things you can do to help!

Filing and moisturising with a urea based cream works wonders.

Also footwear that helps to support the heel fat pad and reduces load during activity.

Callus generally doesn't cause an issue, but when the pressure gets too great, sometimes it can lead to problems if you have a loss of sensation or poor circulation.


A heloma molle is a soft corn that mostly occurs at the fourth interdigital toe space, between the fourth and fifth digits. They may also appear in the webbing of the interdigital space or on either side of the fourth and fifth toes at one of the “knuckles” due to friction and pressure.

With heloma molles, patients often complain about pain at the site of the lesion that is aggravated by tight shoes, pressure, and ambulation or may be associated with bunions or a fifth digit deformity.

The first line of treatment for a heloma molle include, padding that would separate the digits, local debdridement with a sterile scalpel blade and possible keratolytics.

Regular foot care maintenance helps to keep the callus from reforming. That’s where I come in! I have had very good success rates with removing Heloma Molle from the interdigital space between the fourth and fifth digit.

*Epidermis - The outermost of the three layers that make up the skin