Ingrowing Toenails 

  • Ingrown toenails can be extremely painful and lead to dangerous infections. While careful trimming can provide relief, pain often returns as the nail grows back.

Treatment options...

  • Surgery... whilst it may sound drastic, having toenail surgery for ingrowing toenails is the best option for long term resolution. The surgery is called a Partial Nail Avulsion or PNA and uses phenol acid.

What is Phenolisation?

  • Partial Nail Avulsion with Phenolisation is the most common solution for ingrown toenails. Safe, simple and effective, it uses phenol (a mild acid) to destroy the nail matrix, with low levels of post-operative pain and infection.
  • With a high success rate, which results in a natural looking nail, this is the preferred treatment method for the majority of patients.
  • The liquid phenol is applied to the problem area for at least one minute, allowing the mild acid to destroy the nail matrix and remove the cause of the pain and discomfort.
  • It’s a safe procedure for use in patients with diabetes or those suffering from vascular disease. 
  • Although there has not been much supporting evidence to suggest there are risk factors, the use of phenol treatments is not advised for pregnant or breastfeeding patients.
  • Whilst we do not offer this service at the moment (Hayley is studying her degree which is needed for this treatment) we do have excellent referral pathways to private Podiatry services which we can help arrange for you!

Reflex Foot Care provides treatment for -

  • Custom nail bracing treats ingrown nails by correcting the nail shape. Nail bracing is a great option for children, if you have Diabetes, or are nervous about needles, surgery or concerned about losing nails to surgery
  • Management of ingrowing toenails and involuted toenails (curved inwards)